Linkedin Connections

Linkedin Connections

LinkedIn has become a powerhouse for professional networking, connecting businesses, and fueling job searches. Major employers increasingly turn to LinkedIn to advertise positions, sometimes even before listing them on their company websites.

How many connections do I need, you may ask?

There is a simple answer to this question - 500! There are numerous reasons why we recommend gaining 500+ connections on LinkedIn, but here are the main ones:


Having over 500 connections provides a significant advantage in searches. With a large network, your profile is more likely to be displayed to individuals seeking a product, service, or skill within your expertise, as they are likely to share a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree connection with you. This suggests that shared connections can foster trust and preference compared to other profiles without such connections.

Surpassing 500+ connections increases the likelihood of shared connections with those searching for you, enhancing your perceived credibility within a professional community.

With more 1st connections, people are more likely going to not only to see your posts, but to react to them. Their reaction will start a chain reaction, where their connections will see your post, because of their reaction.


How to reach 500+ Connections?

  1. Invite your community members! STL’s, JTL’s, Turing College staff, and other Turing College students, the list of possible connections here is long!

  2. Say hello to friends of friends - utilise your 2nd degree connections:

Click the My Network icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

Click Connections on the left hand menu.

Choose a connection who you think will have some useful people in your network and click on their profile photo. This will take you to their profile.

As long as the number of their connections is in blue, then you can click on here to see all their connections – all of which will be your ‘2nd’ connections.

Take a look through and choose who you’d like to connect to and click ‘connect’ on the right hand side.

Adding notes and shortly saying hello, saying why you want to connect can help to better the chances of them accepting your invitation to connect.

  1. Take some time to search for keywords of topics you are interested in and see who is writing about these topics.

These tips will help you not only to build a connection’s list based on quantity, but on quality too! The more you interact with the community you are in yourself, or aspire to be in the future, the more chances there are that your LinkedIn connections will be useful for you in the future.

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