The headline, in other words, the text line that appears below your name, has no one formula for making it perfect. Perhaps the essential rule here is that there is no such rule that says the headline has to be just a job title. Of course, some people rely on the "just-the-facts" approach, whereas we recommend you look at the profile headline as if it was your personal ad.
Use the headline field to say a bit more about how you see your role, why you do what you do, and what makes you tick. You can even state your current learning status.
The headline is a perfect space to give recruiters your elevator pitch, share something personal to catch their attention, or ask questions to encourage actions you would expect them to take. It's also suitable to project your confidence and highlight your unique skills.
Pro tip: recruiters know pretty well about one tendency in LinkedIn's community - members who are open to work use the well-known phrase "Looking for new opportunities and challenges" quite often in their headlines.”
While there are various disagreeing opinions about using such a phrase in the headline, it's evident that having words such as "opportunities" or "challenges" in your one-sentence intro can bring significant benefits. It might help you appear on the search results list, become easily discovered, and, as a result, get job offers faster. Remember, the words do not necessarily have to be used in the phrase as it goes. You can use it in a question like: "Data challenges in the XYZ industry? Let's talk!"
Lastly, declare war on buzzwords. Buzzwords are adjectives used so often in LinkedIn headlines and summaries that they become almost entirely meaningless.
We suggest including terms like “data”, “learning”, “focused”, “motivation”, “data analysis”, “data engineering”, “data science” and similar.