Projects’ essentials
Projects should not be done in order of priority, but in order of relevance.
It doesn't matter that you’ve done 20 calculators. What really matters is that you’ve done something that’s close to what you’ll be working on, and that you’ve looked at the most complicated examples of those things you’re concerned with.
Also, a summary with an explanation and representation of the result should be included, as well as a link to the full project which can be easily understood after just a couple of minutes of scrolling.
Lastly, you must know every project that you have added to your Github summary. When you are asked, you should be able to explain the goal, the result and the path. All these things must also be summarised in the project record. Emphasis on summarised!
Good looking repositories checklist
1. Do not include unnecessary files
A repository should only include the source code and complimentary files required to compile or run the code. All IDE configuration files, compiled dependencies, or any other outputs generated should not be inside the repository nor the commit history.
2. Project’s README
While writing a project’s README make sure you include these elements:
Titles and internal titles
Introduction - the project's aim
You can also add:
Table of contents
Scope of functionalities
Examples of use
3. Master Markdown sytax
Markdown is a powerful tool that can enrich your texts and documentation. Learn about its potential capabilities and use them to make outstanding Markdown based pages. There are tons of resources about Markdown’s syntax, one of which - The Markdown elements outlined in the original design document.
4. Commit history matters
Your commit history is like a snapshot of the timeline of the project. The frequency, messages of the commits, and even the committed files can tell people a lot about how disciplined you are and how well you utilise the best software engineering practices.
Use version control as your everyday tool, not something to commit code at the end of the project. Try to make small commits, which fix or implement a single piece of logic or feature, like a small function, a bug, some part of a bigger function, etc.
Also, do not forget that even if you remove something from the repository that has been committed some time ago, it is still accessible, so be cautious and do not commit files that were not supposed to be shared.
5. Commits naming convention
Follow the commits naming convention. A standard way to name commits is using the imperative form, e.g. "fix the bug which was crashing everything", not "fixed", "fixing" or "the bug has been fixed".
Now that you know the basics of having a representable GitHub profile go and get yourself noticed in the community!