Put some sparkles on your profile
The importance of a CV and university diploma has decreased in the past few years. In contrast, your image on social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub has rapidly increased. Remote work and open source projects are the main reasons for the change.
Nowadays, when tech recruiters are looking for a candidate for an open position, they use LinkedIn search to find the most optimal person for the role. If your profile is optimised, you get referenced by engineers or analysts who take a closer look at your profile.
The first thing they check is your experience; the best way to show it is via your GitHub social profile.
GitHub is a social network
Nowadays, GitHub is no longer just a tool for collaboration and file versioning. It is a fully fledged social network where engineers share their work, discuss issues of open source projects, and collaborate with strangers on solving problems they are passionate about.
Your commits and comments history is like a Facebook or Instagram feed where strangers learn about you: your working discipline, attitude towards strangers, and problem-solving skills. Recruiters use this information to understand your skills, experience, and work ethic.
You can also use your GitHub activity as proof of your excellence while discussing your salary. GitHub is a social network, so treat your GitHub profile as a social network profile and your repositories as a post on social media.
GitHub for Data Analytics learners
GitHub accounts aren't reviewed by recruiters looking for employees in Data Analytics roles that often. Hence, we recommend that learners of the Data Analytics course focus more on LinkedIn than GitHub. Of course, keep in mind that recruiters can review all your public content by simply entering your name and surname for search. Thus, don't forget to scrub your social media profiles (not only GitHub and LinkedIn; Facebook or Instagram profiles are often reviewed as well) to ensure they project your best self.
Since Turing College project repositories are not public and thus not accessible for outside visitors, we highly recommend you create your own repositories. After completing the endorsement, you will automatically share your GitHub account link in the final Turing College resume. Therefore, make sure to look at GitHub as a bonus resource of information to be shared with recruiters.
Indeed, you will most likely not have advanced coding to publish on your account. Yet, you can always think of sharing spreadsheets with your .pptx to show your latest analysis produced.
Make your profile stand out
GitHub recently introduced a `README.md` file for your profile. Now you can customise your profile’s landing page and make it your personal website. Customize it and make it represent you!
The more memorable the page, the better the chances you’ll get noticed. There are tons of examples of awesome GitHub profile READMEs.
Here are a few that could inspire you:
How to do it:
Create a new repository and name it exactly the same as your username:
The pop up has to show up below it saying that this is a special repository.
Make it Public.
Add a README file.
Edit the README file to include everything you want to see on your profile.
Check out this Tutorial if you need a more detailed step-by-step.
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