

If you lack motivation lately or feel overwhelmed, tired, unproductive, and your learning-work-life balance feels out of whack, it’s time to ask yourself, “Do I need some time away?” Or even better yet – you may have your getaway already planned to avoid getting too exhausted in the first place.

At Turing College, time off from learning is integral to our learners' well-being, sustained productivity, and high performance. Thus, you can have an official vacation to relax, recharge your soul, and boost your brainpower.

Recommendation: take vacation regularly after every 3 months. And to get the most out of your time away, we suggest taking a vacation of an uninterrupted period of one or two weeks.

If you need just a day off, it will work without counting it as a vacation day. It's a self-directed environment, so you can have these days as long as it's not impacting your studies. That means meeting deadlines, requesting extensions when you need them, and informing us if you won't be able to attend stand-ups.

Below are the guidelines for how to officially request a vacation:


Stand-ups / Open sessions

What you should do

I will not need a deadline extension

I won’t be able to attend

Fill out the deadline extension request by selecting the “Holidays” sub-category and ticking off the number 1 of the days needed. In one of the fields, leave the note that you do not need an actual deadline extension

I will need a deadline extension

I won’t be able to attend

Fill out the deadline extension request by selecting the “Holidays” sub-category and specify the actual number of days you need to extend the deadline


Whether you will be lying on the beach and enjoying the waves or strolling through ancient streets filled with cozy restaurants, we wish you a well-deserved and unforgettable vacation time.

Oh… And only if you’d know how much you will be missed.

Happy holidays!

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Turing College