Learning time tracking
This information is relevant for learners who receive the funding from Lithuanian Public Employment Service (UZT)
UZT Requirements for Time Tracking
The full time that a learner needs to study each week in synchronous learning activities is dependant on the program and reflects in your account in Turing College Platform under the “Deadlines” section.
Additionally, UZT has two requirements for minimum attendance in any program:
A learner may not fully miss 5 study days of learning activities in a row without a valid reason.
Attending for at least 45 minutes in a day, even if more are scheduled, is not considered as a missed day.
A learner may not miss more than 20% of all learning activities without a valid reason. In other words, a learner must track at least 80% of all possible time throughout their full studies.
While everyone can miss up to 20% of all learning hours during their studies, those getting a stipend from UZT would be getting a reduced stipend. I.e. if you attend only 90% of the learning activities in a month, you would get 90% of your stipend that month.
If you have valid reasons for missing activities submitted in the Turing College platform (e.g. incapacity to work), this does not count towards 20% of possible missed time.
Individual UZT schedules
We must ensure that all the tracked learning activity hours happen during times set in advance in your learning schedule (“tvarkaraštis”). Therefore, we have created a system that allows each learner to set their individual schedule and to change it when needed. The amount of hours required for the specific week will be visible in your account on the Platform and you are expected to arrange your schedule by spreading those hours (in academic hours- 45min- intervals) throughout 5 days per week. The schedule is visible under the “Deadlines” section of the platform.
The exact process is:
Each learner first needs to sign a document which confirms that agreeing to calendar changes in the platform is equivalent to a qualified e-signature. This makes it possible to change the calendar without needing to sign a document each time. New learners sign this document when starting their studies.
The platform will guide you through setting hours so that all rules are followed. Once hours are chosen and confirmed by us, we will ask you to confirm these changes.
We will only track time in the hours during which your calendar has learning activities scheduled. Activities that are tracked are: Virtual Classrooms (being in a voice channel and responding to check-in voice pings), Open Sessions, Project reviews, Stand-ups, Workshops, other events organised visible in the platform calendar. If you are in an activity that is happening on Zoom, you do not need to simultaneously be present in Discord as well.
You can choose between updating the schedule for the current week only vs. updating it for the next and the following weeks.
You can change the calendar daily, but you cannot change the current day’s schedule - the closest changes can always take effect only on the next day.
Requirements for individual schedules
Employed learners
Schedule needs to contain the exact number of hours that the platform indicates (this differs based on the program)
Each day must have no more than 9 hours (12 academic hours)
There should be no more than 3 consecutive hours (4 academic hours) of learning
The schedule must contain exactly 5 days with learning activities
You are free to study at any day of the week, weekends included.
Unemployed learners
Schedule needs to contain exactly 30 hours (40 academic hours)
Each day must have no more than 6 hours (8 academic hours)
There should be no more than 3 consecutive hours (4 academic hours) of learning
By the laws of UZT, unemployed learners unfortunately are not allowed to track attendance over the weekend.
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