HR Interview Tips

HR Interview Tips


Interview simulation aims to prepare Turing College learners for real interviews with companies:

After having completed the first 2 Endorsement steps, Turing College learners undergo a simulate job interview with our HR partner. This kind of interview closely mimics the real thing. After the interview, each learner receives personalised feedback on how to improve their interview performance, as well as tips on how to get the most out of the interview process.

Following is a list of tips and tricks from which learners can get insights to be more prepared for the simulated job interview.

Tips how to prepare for Mock Interview

Choose a specific position and company. The mock interview will be adapted to fit your choice. Make screenshots of your chosen job postings and add them when scheduling an interview in the “Details” section. Here is how to do it: https://turingcollege.atlassian.net/l/cp/14Fjccha

Prepare your motivational message for choosing the data world. HR and Hiring Managers want to hear it.

Think about the reasons why you want to work in your chosen organization and position.

Get to know the organization. Dig deeper than their webpage. This will allow you to ask targeted questions during the interview

Polish your “Tell me about yourself?” story. Keep it professional. Don’t recite your resume. Tailor your answer to the role and company.

Identify what your strongest soft skills are and come up with arguments that can prove them. Soft skills become particularly important for junior positions because companies tend to hire based on motivation and personality and not expertise (yet!).

Think about places for improvement (these could be tech skills or soft skills). These questions are given to stimulate discussion not about your weaknesses but about your ability to reflect and your willingness to make progress.

Identify yourself what direct knowledge / experience you have. Remember, no experience is insignificant... Every extra experience gives you an edge and your task is to share them during the interview.

Don’t ignore experience which is not directly related to your desired position. It illustrates your experience of working in a team, having a manager or real work situations.

Prepare 4-5 most interesting/complicated/mostly tech challenging/ boring/ etc. projects or work experience. This will help you to answer situational based questions like “please share
some experience which was most challenging you? What did you learn from that?”.

Prepare questions for the hiring company. This shows you are truly interested.

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