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Table of Contents

General information

When it comes to terminating your agreement, there are two main phases to consider: during your UZT study period and after it. Although the steps for termination remain the same, the conditions differ between these phases. This page will allow you to grasp the main points of the termination process in each phase so that you can effectively handle your responsibilities.

Steps to take for termination

  1. Initiate contact with us via chat and inform us of the reason for termination.

  2. Wait for our response: we will review your individual situation and provide you with information regarding whether, and if so, how much, you'll need to repay to UZT.

Termination during the UZT study period

If you are still in this period of your learning, termination may occur with or without a repayment obligation of funding and stipend depending on the reason for termination.

The UZT study period

This is 7 months (140 working days) counting from the day you joined Turing Collegea period of time mentioned in your UZT contract. During this period, your responsibility is to gain competencies outlined in your learning agreement.

Your specific UZT study period can be found in the contract you signed named “Profesinio mokymo sutartis” (highlighted in yellow). If the date falls within this period, you are currently within the UZT study period.


Reasons for termination without funding repayment to UZT

According to the agreement you've signed, termination of the contract may occur without the need to repay the funding and stipend under certain circumstances. These circumstances include:

  • Illness, injury;

  • pregnancy: 70 calendar days before childbirth, childbirth and 56 calendar days after childbirth (in the case of complicated childbirth or the birth of two or more children - 70 calendar days after childbirth);

  • performance of duties stipulated in the Law on Military Conscription of the Republic of Lithuania,

  • vocational training and/or non-formal adult education of the unemployed has been suspended due to the state of emergency and quarantine declared by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania;

  • death.

Important notes when terminating during the UZT study period with a valid reason

  • You must have a legal document supporting your reason for termination.

  • You need to provide UZT with this document, and they will check if it meets their requirements.

Reasons for termination with funding repayment to UZT

If the reason for termination does not fall within the aforementioned circumstances, you will be obligated to repay a portion of the fundingand the entire stipend you received to UZT. The amount to be repaid depends on the duration of your learning period here.

Important notes when terminating during the UZT study period without a valid reason

  • The amount to be repaid depends on how long you have been studying. The final figure can only be provided by UZT; we can only offer an approximate amount.

  • You will be suspended from unemployed status (Lithuanian: bedarbio statusas) for the next 6 months, and you will not have the right to register for this status at UZT, starting from the termination date.


Everything related to the suspension of unemployed status (Lithuanian: bedarbio statusas) and its implications for you personally depends on your individual situation and must be discussed with your UZT consultant.

Termination after the UZT study period

After UZT study period

This is a period of time after 7 months (140 working days) counting from the day you joined Turing College and if you part refers to those who have already received a UZT proof of completion document and have decided to terminate, indicating that your UZT study period has officially ended.

Important notes when terminating after the UZT study period

  • You are still obligated to meet certain requirements set by UZT regarding the application of your newly acquired skills in the job market.

  • The exact requirement varies depending on the contract you have entered into with UZT. For more detailed information regarding contracts and after UZT study period requirements, please refer to the provided link here.

  • Discuss any matters regarding fulfillment of requirements with your personal UZT consultant, who verifies compliance.

  • If you don’t meet the criteria set by UZT, you may be required to return the funding as well as the stipend to UZT.


What if I am not sure if I want to terminate my agreement, can I contact you to review my situation?

If you experience any difficulties with learning or due to your personal situation believe that it might be difficult for you to complete UZT required modules in time, it’s always best to consult with us and inform about your situation. You can write to support chat to receive an individual review of your situation.

Will I get the Turing College completion certificate after termination?

If you wish to obtain a Turing College completion certificate, you can review the course structures here: DA, DS, WD, DM, DE, BA . The necessary components to qualify for the certificate can be found at this link.
