Self-paced learning does not mean, however, that learners have the opportunity to spend less than the pre-set time on per week (which can differ based on your funding options). Regular attendance and work are key - research has shown that this is one of the best predictors of success when it comes to finishing programs. If you notice that you are struggling to put in the required hours, get in touch with our team via the help chat function as soon as possible. It is our common goal to keep you motivated throughout the program. After all, it’s in everyone's best interest that you learn effectively, graduate on time and then get an amazing job. So be confident that if there are any difficulties, we will work together with you to find solutions. Learners receiving government funding should be extremely mindful about the time they spend learning, as we are required to log the time on our platforms and report it.
Finally, it is important to understand that learning in a self-paced environment is not something that most people are naturally good at. You should see it as a skill that you will be improving throughout the whole program (and afterward as well). Even the best of us have moments where we succumb to procrastination, laziness, or lack of motivation. Such struggles should not be seen as something to be ashamed of or something to hide - instead, we sincerely encourage you to view it as a challenge that we can work together to overcome.
Note: if you receive governmental funding, your exact time tracking rules may differ.
How to do self-paced learning efficiently?