The Social Media Policy
You are a welcome part of our social media presence. To give the support and guidance you might need, we’ve crafted a social media policy.
We encourage you to update your Linkedin education status by adding Turing College as your education institution. Just in case, here's how.
While you’re updating your Linkedin info, we though it would be a nice touch to produce a few covers for your social media, if you feel like updating.
Facebook ‘I speak data’
Facebook ‘Learning to speak data’
Linkedin ‘I speak data’
Linkedin ‘Learning to speak data’
Also, if you share your day-to-day moments from Turing College, we kindly ask you to include key brand elements, such as tags and/or the Turing College logo:
To tag our Facebook or Linkedin page, start by typing the @ and our Page’s name (@TuringCollege).
We use specific hashtags on social media, feel free to include them: #TuringCollege, #EdTech, #DataScience #ai #data #deeplearning #Python #machinelearning #careertraining
In case you’re announcing your enrolment to Turing College as a life event or simply want to share information about us, please use the following description:
Short: Turing College – a data-driven IT college that offers ISAs to cover tuition fees.
Longer: It is a remote-first college that replicates how IT teams work in real tech companies, developing learners’ hard and soft skills, so they get hired or promoted on graduation.
Twice a month publish our blog on the most relevant topics to our learners about Turing College and Data Science in general. Also, we’re active here on Facebook and Linkedin. Feel free to like, follow, and involve in conversations.
Turing College