

Well-being is a positive outcome that is meaningful for people, defining their life quality. We take our learner's professional and personal growth seriously here at Turing College. 

Well-being functions in several domains: cognitive, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well-being. All these will be covered here at Turing College.


Our goal is to empower and support our learners to succeed with the program, help them build positive and respectful relationships, and create a feeling of belonging. 

 We encourage our learners to have a "growth mindset" - through which they learn to treat challenges and feedback as opportunities to learn and grow. In other words, well-being takes form at Turing College as the synergy of our Support Levels, Feedback Culture, and Personal Development program.


 Support Levels

  • Product support

  • Educational support

  • Well-being support

Feedback Culture

  • Intro week

  • Regular meetups

  • Survey

Personal Development program

  • Soft skills development

  • Personal presentation module

  • Career module

Well-being 1-on-1 meetings

Here at Turing College, our learning methodology replicates how IT teams work in real tech companies, developing learners' hard and soft skills, so they get hired or promoted on graduation, and 1-on-1 meetings are a part of the training.   

1-on-1s are known to strengthen relationships between team leads and their team members. They also encourage frequent performance check-ins and conversations. The concept is relatively straightforward: meet regularly to discuss progress on goals, engagement, professional development, and more.

These meetings also help our learners to overcome learning difficulties and other. Our Community managers holds individual meetings to help learners feel heard, understood and noticed in the most challenging moments during the course. These meetings are regular, ensuring that everyone succeeds in every stage of the course.

1-on-1s are part of the Personal Development Program organised regularly. Additional meetings can be arranged, ensuring that everyone succeeds in every stage of the course.

Channels to reach the Community team:

  • Discord → Support → well-being_support (for general information and additional 1-on-1 meetings);

  • 1-on-1 meetings → contact someone from the Community team on Discord.

Contact Community team in case of :

  • a noticeable lack of motivation;

  • a need to progress faster;

  • 'hitting a wall' with the non-technical task;

  • a need for some emotional support, someone to talk to.

Our team is there for you!

Turing College