This an elaborative video about the Support channels for those who prefer watching instead of reading → HERE |
Our learners have access to the system of supports designed to help them when needed. The framework helps us provide our learners with various support needs: product, education, and well-being.
Discord is one of the main tools to get all the information related to:
Turing College news;
Changes in the program;
Stand-ups and other events;
Receiving community help;
With this tool, we want to encourage our community to share knowledge and help each other. We are supporting the motto of giving - getting help. Discord is for learner-to-learner, JTL to the learner, STL to the learner, and JTL to staff communication. We have created a “community help” channel to give and get help from all community members: program creators, learners, STLs, and Turing College staff (staff may answer on Discord, but to get an answer from us definitely, there’s another way that will be mentioned next). On Discord, you can expect to receive answers slightly faster, as the community that can help you is more extensive, and as a result, any open questions can be resolved more quickly. Use tags to get a response from your target audience and by your program name (@STL-DS, @STL-DA, @JTL-DS, @staff , @Learner, @DA_learner etc.).
Expected response time: up to a few hours.
Platform support chat is a closed and secure communication channel to discuss all (private and non-private) questions with the Turing College staff. Questions that should be discussed in the chat:
Changes in your learning speed
Personal situations
Technical issues (bugs, errors)
Specific education requests (notebooks, correction points)
Endorsement and hiring questions
Legal conditions and agreements We look forward to your cooperation and will try to reduce the number of private messages on the Discord platform and provide quick replies in the Platform chat.
Don’t get upset if you didn’t get an answer immediately; you will receive an additional message when the team can answer you. In most cases, personal questions or problems require collecting additional information, and it is not always possible to provide a direct answer immediately.
Expected response time: up to 1 day.
This purple button is our support chat which you can access via Platform or our website.
Learning tips and Resources
We, the Turing College team, understand that each learner is unique and has its own and personal way of studying. Therefore, we provide a wide range of support sources so that each learner can reach their goals and get the maximum level of knowledge.