Different learners start with different backgrounds. While coding knowledge is a prerequisite for joining the Data Science program, some learners might still need to brush-up on their Python skills in order to be able to move through the program at a good pace. To make it easier to do this, we have prepared a detailed Data Science Preparation Guide (also called the “pre-program”). You will find various topics that are useful for studying the Data Science program – go through them in parallel to the main program if you are not familiar with them yet. While it may take more time initially, in the long term, your progress will be much faster.
Data Science Preparation Guide link
Once the program starts, you should constantly evaluate (and discuss this with your peers, JTLs and STLs) whether there are any pre-program topics that are preventing you from progressing at the required pace. If you see that there are some pre-program topics that you lack knowledge in, it’s important that you schedule some time each day to develop those areas. This might mean that you initially progress at a slower pace than other learners, but in the long run you’ll benefit. So, set yourself realistic goals early on, and don’t get put off if others are progressing faster than you. It’s also important to remember that you are not alone - we select our groups so that there will be other people in your group that are at an equivalent level to you. You can reach out to these learners and arrange to go through the pre-program topics together. Learning together through discussion and the exchange of ideas will give you extra incentive and help optimise your results. Not only that, it will also be more fun. Finally keep in mind that the learners with more prior experience, the JTLs and the STLs will all be willing to help you too - use them as a resource.