The maximum access period is the timeframe that each learner has for signing up and progressing through the program. Its duration depends on the program that you've enrolled in.
When you reach the end of maximum access, you can still sign in to the platform to review the sprints and modules you’ve already completed. However, you can’t progress further.
After the suspension, you're still allowed to continue with your reviews if they were booked before the suspension.
After the suspension, you're still allowed to continue with your reviews if they were booked before the suspension.
You are expected to complete the endorsement before your maximum access to the program ends, except for learners in the Digital Explorers II and Digital Explorers Iraq Edition programs!
You are expected to complete the endorsement before your maximum access to the program ends, except for learners in the Digital Explorers II and Digital Explorers Iraq Edition programs!
Once maximum platform access ends, BigQuery access will remain available for one to two months. Additionally, ensure you know which Google account is storing your projects or presentations. This is crucial because when your BigQuery access expires, the Google account provided by Turing College will be terminated as well.
To save your important projects, please transfer them to your personal, private Google accounts.
Visualization tools and capstone project after maximum access:
Tableau: Since Tableau Public is free and the data uploaded there is not directly linked with BigQuery, you should encounter no issues in maintaining your work, such as presenting your Capstone project to potential employers using Tableau.
Looker Studio: Potential challenges may arise here. As previously stated, once maximum platform access ends, you'll still have one to two months of access to external learning tools like BigQuery. One crucial thing to note is that if your access to BigQuery is disabled, it's likely that your work (e.g., Capstone project) on Looker dashboards will be lost. Additionally, Looker Studio typically has a 60-day expiration period, during which you won't be able to view anything on the dashboards. However, this can be resolved if you have BigQuery access at that time.
To avoid these issues, we recommend completing the Capstone project using your own accounts for BigQuery, in case you are working on Looker Studio. It's worth noting that your account may initially be in demo mode, which could introduce minor issues. To solve it, please be prepared to input your credit card details during the setup stage.
The Turing College certificate can be issued upon the minimal completion of the core program. The core program part for each program is outlined in the table below:
Data Analytics | Learners started in 2023-01 and beyond:
Learners started in 2024-04 and beyond:
Data Science | Completion of at least 3 core modules |
Data Engineering | Completion of at least 3 core modules |
Web Development | Completion of at least 3 core modules |
Digital Marketing & Analytics | Completion of all core modules and at least one specialisation module |
Data Analytics | Digital Explorers II and Digital Explorers Iraq Edition | In order to get a Proof of Completion a learner is expected to complete at least 2 modules. In order to receive a Certificate - at least 4 modules |
Completion of 1 module |
You will get the certificate a few weeks after reaching the maximum access end in the platform. If you wish to receive the certificate sooner, please note that it will only include sprints completed up to that point. Once a certificate is issued, it cannot be reissued to include additional sprints completed afterward. |
Additional benefits available after maximum access ends:
Even after maximum access ends, you can continue to communicate with your fellow peers and other alumni through Turing College Discord server.
If you gained the Turing College endorsement, you will receive our hiring guidance for the 6 months after the endorsement is earned.
The Turing College team remains committed to helping you through the platform chat on any question you may have.
Maximum access can be extended:
If you wish to complete more sprints, Turing College offers you a maximum access extension of several additional months in the platform for a discounted fee.
If interested, reach out to us via the platform chat!
Community and alumni benefits after maximum access ends:
You will have the opportunity to communicate with Senior Team Leads (STLs) and gain their assistance with tech-related questions.
You will retain access to the channels in the Discord, allowing you to continue communicating with your fellow learners and stay connected with the Turing College community.
You will be invited to all alumni events and our community events, providing opportunities to network, engage with other graduates, and stay connected with the Turing College community.