Junior Team Leads (JTL) are the top learners that we have selected who have shown a willingness to dedicate a large proportion of their time to helping others. Aside from  the invaluable support they offer their peers, they gain the following benefits:

Becoming a JTL

JTL’s are selected on a case by case basis, but to make it easier to know what to aim for, we have created a list of criteria for traits that indicate a good fit for becoming a JTL. However, even if you don’t fit all of them but are interested in the opportunity - please reach out to us - we will be happy to discuss your possibilities and steps to become a JTL.

If you believe that you are a good fit for the role of a JTL, contact Giedrius Zebrauskas. We will then discuss the opportunities available and work on a plan to help you become one.

If there are more suitable candidates than available JTL positions, JTLs will be rotated regularly, so that everyone meeting the criteria can have a chance to be one. 

Example criteria signifying you are ready to become a JTL:

How long can I be a JTL for?

The minimum amount of time you can be a  JTL is 1 month. Usually, our staff will hold a discussion with the JTL once a month to determine if it would be beneficial for them to continue being a JTL. The things that will be considered is whether the learner still finds the experience useful and whether it is not impacting the progression through the program negatively too much.

Responsibilities of a JTL

As a junior team lead, you are by no means required to be an expert on the topic that you will be helping with. If you are able to immediately help struggling learners with the topic, that's great. But if not,  it’s equally, if not more important, that you are able to lead a struggling learner towards a way of solving their problems, helping them along the way. Once a learner has become a JTL, they will be provided with on-boarding activities and extra information that will help to prepare them for their new responsibilities.

Potential extra activities:

As the program progresses, these activities might be modified to better suit both the needs of the JTL and the learners.