This information is relevant for learners who receive the funding from Lithuanian Public Employment Service (UZT)

UZT Requirements for Time Tracking

The full time that a learner needs to study each week in synchronous learning activities is dependant on the program and reflects in your account in Turing College Platform under the “Deadlines” section.

Additionally, UZT has two requirements for minimum attendance in any program:

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While everyone can miss up to 20% of all learning hours during their studies, those getting a stipend from UZT would be getting a reduced stipend. I.e. if you attend only 90% of the learning activities in a month, you would get 90% of your stipend that month.

If you have valid reasons for missing activities submitted in the Turing College platform (e.g. incapacity to work), this does not count towards 20% of possible missed time.

Individual UZT schedules

We must ensure that all the tracked learning activity hours happen during times set in advance in your learning schedule (“tvarkaraštis”). Therefore, we have created a system that allows each learner to set their individual schedule and to change it when needed. The amount of hours required for the specific week will be visible in your account on the Platform and you are expected to arrange your schedule by spreading those hours (in academic hours- 45min- intervals) throughout 5 days per week. The schedule is visible under the “Deadlines” section of the platform.

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The exact process is:

Requirements for individual schedules

Employed learners

You are free to study at any day of the week, weekends included.


Unemployed learners

By the laws of UZT, unemployed learners unfortunately are not allowed to track attendance over the weekend.


Technically, it is possible to vary your attendance each week in order to meet the final average at the end of your studies. However, to minimise unexpected situations where you find yourself unable to meet the requirements, we expect you to spend at least the minimum average of hours each week and inform us via platform chat when you cannot. That way we can help you ensure that you do not accidentally miss the requirement of attending 80% of all learning activities. We may reach out to you directly if we see that you have not met the minimum average requirement.

If you spend more than the minimum required time in a given week, the minimum average for all subsequent weeks would decrease - this would be reflected in the platform.

Example: if you have two weeks of study left and your minimum average per week is 24 hours, by tracking 30 hours in the first week, you would have only 18 hours needed left as a minimum for the second one. This is because both weeks would result in the same 24h/week average: (30+18)/2=24.

Based on UZT rules, a learner may not miss 5 full study days of learning activities in a row without a valid reason. Doing so puts the learner at risk of study contract termination.

  • A learning activity is counted as attended if you are present in it for 45 minutes or more.

  • A missed day is only registered if your individual UZT schedule contains learning hours that day and if you do not attend any activities that day.

Example: A learner has an UZT schedule with learning activities only during Mondays-Fridays. If a learner attends an activity on Monday and then stops attending them during all next days, the latest day they need to attend a learning activity again is next Monday in order not to not miss 5 study days in a row. This would result in 4 missed days in a row: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

It is important that no matter when you started your studies, the stipend received from UZT each month depends on the exact number of study hours that were tracked during those months. To get 100% of the stipend, you need to attend 100% of the learning activities, meaning 30 hours per week (assuming no national holidays).

If you choose to study less, such as only meeting the average minimum hours required, your monthly stipend from UZT will be reduced accordingly. For example, if you track only 24 hours each week, which is 80% of the 30 needed hours for full stipend, you would get 80% of your stipend for those weeks.

Learning time cannot be tracked during national holidays. It also means that weeks containing national holidays will have a lower attendance requirement needed to get the full UZT stipend.

The exact requirements of such weeks will be visible to each learner individually in the platform.

While UZT does not grant official vacations, the best solution rests on two conditions:

  • You still need to participate in at least 1 hour of learning activities during every 5 learning days

  • With the time missed, you cannot exceed 20% of total learning time of your UZT study period

During vacation, you can track less than your minimum average weekly learning time, but you should keep in mind that in the weeks after your vacation, this minimum should be increased.

Example: You have 10 weeks of study left and your weekly minimum tracked time is 24 hours. In other words, you still have 240 hours of learning time that you need to track. If you go on a vacation for 1 week (and still attend 1 hour of activities to not miss 5 days in a row), you would afterwards have a minimum of 239 hours of study time left over 9 weeks. This results in the minimum increasing to 239/9 = ~26.5 hours of minimum study time per week for the remaining 9 weeks.

Yes, the minimum sprints and the competencies you need to gain for an UZT certificate are not affected by this change.

Additionally, after completing the required number of sprints, the attendance expectations remain the same until the end of the official UZT study period. This allows you to study further and go through additional modules and acquire additional valuable skills.