Applicable for learners who started before 2024-09

We are making changes to our educational model so that it would allow learners to maintain as much flexibility studying as possible. Some of the changes will affect all learners, which we would like to share here.

The main change for non-UZT learners is that instead of stand-ups, they will have access to more than 100 hours of Virtual Classrooms each week. A non-UZT learner will be able to attend any of these hours, whenever it’s the most convenient for them. Similarly to the requirement of 1 stand-up per week previously, the new requirement will be to attend at least 1 Virtual Classroom, Stand-up or Open Session per week (for at least 45 minutes).

Virtual Classrooms

A Virtual Classroom is a learning activity that makes it easy to study at your own pace while getting even more individualized support from your peers and Turing College mentors in real time.

Virtual Classrooms are specific voice channels on Discord that you join whenever you are studying. Learners of your program and a Turing College mentor, ready to help you, would be joining as well. While in a Virtual Classroom, you can either focus on studying on your own or engage in discussions with others to get any kind of help that you need.

For each Virtual Classroom, there will be two voice main channels: Study Room and Discussions Table. Furthermore, you will see additional channels called “Individual Conversations” which are meant to allow you to have more private 1–1 or smaller group calls with mentors or peers and get the learning time tracked.




Since the number of Virtual Classrooms per week is expected to be very large (up to 118 hours of virtual classrooms per week), they will not be separated by batches (i.e. someone from DM_2024-02 batch would be able to join the same Virtual Classroom with someone from DM_2024-06). Furthermore, due to similarity of topics in DS, DA and DE programs, learners from these programs will share Virtual Classrooms as well. This should result in more active Virtual Classrooms and more opportunities for connecting with a wide variety of fellow learners - whether it’s for learning together or simply networking.

Changes to stand-ups

Since Virtual Classrooms cover many of the same aspects that stand-ups do, we will be reducing the amount stand-ups. The most popular ones will be made accessible to all batches that have been already learning for 1 month or more.

New learners (those starting in September 2024 and further) will have stand-ups for the first month (4 stand-ups in total) only within their batches to get acquainted with their peers in a more personal environment. Afterwards, the batch standups would be replaced with access to the general ones available to all other learners.
