Turing College staff will commonly refer to it simply as “the platform”. You will get an invitation to join the Platform a bit before your start date. We’ll notify you via email, and sometimes our emails go directly to the Spam folder, so if you’re waiting for our email, please check your spam folder too.
This is also where you will find the “Paltform Chat” which allows you to reach out to TC staff directly. It is always available in the bottom right corner of the screen.
The main communication tool in Turing College. All learners, Senior Team leads, Junior Team leads, Alumni, and Staff communicates in communicate via Discord.
You will have received the link to join in during the intro week the latest (Discord auth is the 2nd step of the Platform’s onboarding process)be prompted to join Discord with your account when setting up your platform access. Feel free to use either your personal Discord account, or create a new one specifically for Turing College, whichever you prefer.
You are expected, to , at the bare minimum, read the #rules channel at the start and follow the #announcements channel in the WELCOME category, and your batch channels (e.g. 20222024-1109_batch if you started in 2022 112023 09).
Discord is also where you can access Virtual Classrooms.
What channels are on Discord and where you should post something you can find explained in this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IS170YOHpVy5AXEZBQhZRC0wRfey8-jN/view?usp=share_link or read more detailed info about various channels and how to use Discord here: Communication channels
Confluence Learner Guide
The website you are viewing now! It contains all the information regarding all topics related to Turing College.
A full list of topics can be found here: https://turingcollege.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DLG.
You are not expected to go through everything, especially if you are just starting! Expect that you will receive emails and links in learning material that will explain which pages of the guide to focus on.
Github (except for Digital Marketing & Analytics career program)
Link: https://zoom.us/
All Stand-ups, Project Reviews and Open Session meetings at Turing College happen via Zoom. Links to join the Zoom meetings are always found in the platform calendar once you click on a relevant event (e.g. a standup or a project review). Make sure that you are able to run it – i.e. that you can enable your voice and camera and that both work smoothly.
The link to Zoom activates 10 minutes before the start. Don’t worry if sometimes you click on it before the start time, and it shows an error (ex. 17:58). Try again at the exact event start time (18:00).
BigQuery (Except Data Analytics and Digital Marketing & Analytics career program onlyEngineering & Data Science career programs)
Link: https://console.cloud.google.com/bigquery
The first time you log in with the Turing College provided account, you will be asked to change your password. Make sure to save it! The password we send you will work only once.
Coursera programs
Data Science, Data Analytics as well as Digital Marketing & Analytics learners will sometimes need to use Coursera programs. Note that in these cases, you will never be required to pay. All Coursera programs have a free audit mode – you can view a video about it here: https://sharing.clickup.com/clip/p/t2581218/6d2f36fb-75ee-49a5-9f00-ffd3bb0b474b/screen-recording-2022-08-03-20%3A26.webm. Important: Digital Marketing & Analytics learners will use Coursera and get full access paid through Google.