Turing College's structure and tools are designed to help you deal with the challenges that may arise along the way. In order to ensure learners success, we have outlined some key principles to follow.
General objectives and expectations
We respect each other
We trust each other
We help each other
Feedback should be constructive and relevant
We recognise conflicts and resolve them in a positive and professional manner
We participate in decision-making, when it concerns us
Gossip, bullying and harassment is unacceptable
Turing College forms a closed and exclusive community and provides services only to its members (i.e., learners who got accepted to Turing College during admissions process). We are committed to safe and healthy learning environment. Thus, we expect every community member’s individual and private participation in events (stand-ups, open sessions, Intro days, corrections, 1-on-1 meetings, community events). Providing access to family members (exception: we are kids friendly community), friends or other third party persons is strictly prohibited.
Turing College expects each learner to actively participate by having an online presence during stand-ups, events, open sessions by engaging with Turing College staff, STLs, JTLs, and collaborating with learners' community and following recordings and screenshot policies.
Asking for help
At Turing College, learners should try to solve a problem on their own for 20 minutes and then seek help.
After 20 minutes, learners begin wasting precious time and start to become frustrated. Learners can reach out for help by writing a message in Discord, joining Open Sessions or asking questions in stand-ups or support chat when staff help is needed, asking the currently active Virtual Classroom mentor, raising the question in a stand-up, or writing to TC staff via platform chat.
Personal communication with a professional tone, and through appropriate channels, can help avoid misunderstanding, doubts, rumor spreading and conflicts. Good communication can help to effectively defuse a difficult situation and lead to quick and effective problem solving without unnecessary escalation.
Listen, do not interrupt
Speak for yourself, not for others
Talk about the immediate situation as early as possible
Be sure of the facts
Speak directly to the topic at hand
Base your discussion on specifics
Take responsibility for the agreements and rules that we have adopted
Integrity & Plagiarism
Asking for help and researching online is a key part of both learning and work. However, this needs to be separated from trying to use code (or any other type of work) that is not your own in order to try to create a wrong impression of your knowledge, as that would be counted as plagiarism and cheating. This can be a difficult distinction sometimes, so we provide additional guidelines here.
If a learner is found to be intentionally copying solutions to deceitfully submit such work as their own, Turing College will evaluate the situation and in extreme cases may make the decision to remove the learner from the program. We will always aim to first talk about it openly with learners involved and fully understand the situation.
Turing College is a remote international environment and learners, mentors, and staff come from extremely diverse backgrounds. Contribute to creating a positive experience for everyone by being respectful and thought-through in communication (sarcasm translates poorly via text and online chat).
Turing College does not tolerate discriminatory, harassing, or insulting remarks to other learners, mentors, STLs, staff, or anyone else, online or in person; see the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy below.
No Harassment Policy
Harassment of any kind: racial, gender, religious, ability-Based, sexual, age-based, psychological, cyberbullying including sexual harassment, is strictly prohibited.
Any individual who experiences or witnesses harassment is encouraged to immediately report it to the Turing College staff.
All reports of harassment will be taken seriously and confidentially, and will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.
Any individual found to have engaged in harassment will face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of learning contract and leading to financial obligations.
Turing College members who had any relation or connection to the situation are expected to cooperate fully with investigations into allegations of harassment.
Turing College will provide support and resources for learners who have experienced harassment, and will work to prevent harassment from occurring in the future.