Specialisation module - a module that a learner chooses from a pool of options depending on the data roles and companies that they plan on applying to. The module covers the tools, skills and technologies needed for specific roles or companies. Most specialisation modules are prepared in cooperation with our Hiring Partners. The whole module is primarily a practical project, although you are likely to need to learn certain new concepts while completing it. Takes about 200 hours to complete.
Program Structure
(from 2024-04)
Module 1: Data Wrangling with Python | |
Sprint 1 | First Steps Into Programming |
Sprint 2 | Intermediate Programming with Python |
Sprint 3 | Data Processing with NumPy and Pandas |
Sprint 4 | Data Visualization with Python |
Module 2: Statistical Inference | |
Sprint 1 | Introduction to SQL and Statistics Fundamentals |
Sprint 2 | Statistical Inference |
Sprint 3 | Regression |
Module 3: Machine Learning | |
Sprint 1 | Supervised Machine Learning Fundamentals |
Sprint 2 | Gradient Boosted Trees & Feature Engineering |
Sprint 3 | Unsupervised Learning & Hyperparameter Tuning |
Sprint 4 | Capstone project |
Module 4: Computer Vision (AI Specialization, Optional) | |
Module 4: LLM Engineering Fundamentals (AI Specialization, Optional) | |
Program Structure (up to 2024-04)
Module 1: Data Wrangling with Python | |
Sprint 1 | Python Mastery |
Sprint 2 | Data Processing with NumPy and Pandas |
Sprint 3 | Data Visualization with Python |
Sprint 4 | Capstone Project |
Module 2: Data Analysis | |
Sprint 1 | Understanding and Visualizing Data with Python |
Sprint 2 | Inferential Statistical Analysis |
Sprint 3 | Statistical Modeling |
Sprint 4 | Capstone Project |
Module 3: Machine Learning | |
Sprint 1 | Supervised Machine Learning Fundamentals |
Sprint 2 | Gradient Boosted Trees & Feature Engineering |
Sprint 3 | Unsupervised Learning & Hyperparameter Tuning |
Sprint 4 | Capstone project |
Module 4: Deep Learning (optional) | |
Sprint 1 | Computer Vision |
Sprint 2 | Natural Language Processing |
Sprint 3 | Practical Deep Learning |
Sprint 4 | Capstone Project |
Full detailed structure, as of 2022-02 can be found below. Note, however, that the program is being constantly updated and improved, so the structure is very likely to change.